6 Ergebnisse.

Mein Leben in Wien 2. Teil
The books from the series German Reader are designed as reading materials that will help students of German language grow their vocabulary and enhance their command of the language. Each book is a short story whose theme, grammar and vocabulary are tailored to a specific study level: Level 4 - Intermediate: B2 Marco, an Italian in Vienna, tells in the ...

22,50 CHF

German Simple Sentences 1, German/English, Level 1 - Beginners
German Simple Sentences 1, Level 1 - Beginners: A1 = Novice Low (Textbook) Deutsch: Einfache Sätze 1, Deutsch/Englisch The book "German Simple Sentences 1 - Deutsch: Einfache Sätze 1" offers ready-made sentences for learning. They are grouped according to the topics that German learners at level A1 - Beginner need. The simple sentences facilitate the use of German in practice ...

17,50 CHF

Annas Tagebuch
The books from the series German Reader are designed as reading materials that will help students of German language grow their vocabulary and enhance their command of the language. Each book is a short story whose theme, grammar and vocabulary are tailored to a specific study level: Level 2 Elementary: A2 At the end of the book there is a ...

21,90 CHF

German Reader, Level 1 Beginners (A1)
Eine Begegnung im Zug" - Level 1 Beginners: A1 - Novice High, A Short Story for German Learners with Vocabulary Section DEUTSCHE BESCHREIBUNG: Sophie, eine geschwätzige und lebensfreudige Kindergärtnerin aus Frankfurt am Main, will ihre Freundin in Luzern besuchen. Im Zug begegnet Sophie Lukas, einen introvertierten Bankangestellten aus Zürich. Sophie entwaffnet ihn und seine höfliche Distanz mit ihrer Offenheit und ...

21,90 CHF

German Reader, Level 1 Beginners (A1)
Jens und der Nachbar" - Level 1 Beginners: A1 = Novice Mid Jens ist ein 10-jähriger aufgeschlossener und gesprächiger Bub. In seiner Nachbarschaft zieht ein alter Pensionär, der Kinder nicht besonders mag. Aber für Jens ist das kein Problem - auf seine kindhafte, ehrliche und charmante Art und Weise gewinnt er auch die Sympathie seines neuen Nachbarn. Jens is a ...

21,90 CHF

German Reader, Level 4 Intermediate (B2)
Level 4 - Intermediate: B2 = Advanced Low/Mid The books from the series German Reader are designed as reading materials that will help students of German language grow their vocabulary and enhance their command of the language. Each book is a short story whose theme, grammar and vocabulary are tailored to a specific study level: Level 1 - Beginners: A1 ...

21,90 CHF